Puppet Class: supervisord
- Defined in:
- manifests/init.pp
Class: supervisord
Main class that includes all other classes for the supervisord module.
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# File 'manifests/init.pp', line 34
class supervisord (
Boolean $manage_python = true,
Enum['present', 'absent'] $manage_python_dev = 'present',
Boolean $manage_python_use_epel = true,
Enum['present', 'absent'] $manage_python_virtualenv = 'present',
Boolean $manage_service = true,
Boolean $manage_systemd_unit = true,
String $package_ensure = 'present',
String $package_name = 'supervisor',
Boolean $service_enable = true,
Enum['running', 'stopped'] $service_ensure = 'running',
String $service_name = 'supervisord',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $supervisord_binpath = '/usr/bin/supervisord',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $supervisord_confdir = '/etc/supervisor',
String $supervisord_conffile = 'supervisord.conf',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $supervisord_ctlpath = '/usr/bin/supervisorctl',
Optional[Hash] $supervisord_ini_absent = {},
Optional[Hash] $supervisord_ini_present = {},
Stdlib::Absolutepath $supervisord_logdir = '/var/log/supervisor',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $supervisord_rundir = '/var/run/supervisor',
Optional[Array] $supervisord_systemd_after = [],
String $supervisord_systemd_killmode = 'process',
String $supervisord_systemd_restart = 'on-failure',
String $supervisord_systemd_restartsec = '50s',
String $supervisord_systemd_template = 'supervisord/supervisord.service.erb',
String $supervisord_systemd_type = 'forking',
String $virtualenv = 'system',
String $virtualenv_owner = 'root',
) {
case $::operatingsystem {
'RedHat', 'CentOS': {
contain supervisord::python
contain supervisord::install
contain supervisord::config
contain supervisord::service
-> Class['supervisord::install']
-> Class['supervisord::config']
~> Class['supervisord::service']
default: {
fail("${::operatingsystem} not supported")